Explore “Islamic Cairo” For Free – استكشف القاهرة الإسلامية مجاناً

We all know that Cairo is full of religious tourism sites built over the centuries of Islamic rule in Egypt and we wonder why all Egyptians don’t go to these places and enjoy the architecture and heritage beauty!

Therefore, we have listed below some recommendations that will cost you no money .. YES, because almost all of them are for FREE 😉


1- The Religious Complex (مجمع الأديان)

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The Religious Complex contains many attractions:

  • Babylon Fortress – حصن بابليون
  • Coptic Museum – المتحف القبطي
  • Hanging Church – الكنيسة المعلقة
  • Mary Girgis Church – كنيسة ماري جرجس
  • Church of Abu Serga – كنيسة أبو سيرجا
  • Saint Barbara Church – كنيسة سانت باربرا
  • Kasriet El Rayhan Church – كنيسة قصر الريحان
  • The Synagogue (The Jew Temple) – المعبد اليهودي


2- Al Darb Al Ahmar (Historical Cairo) منطقة الدرب الأحمر

* Click here to find out all details including prices, address, working days/hours, main amenities, place rules, photos gallery and more.

Aldarb Alahmar District contains many attractions:

  • Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan – مسجد ومدرسة السلطان حسن
  • Bab Zuweila – باب زويله
  • Bab El-Wazir Cemetery – مقبرة باب الوزير
  • Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex – مجمع السلطان الغوري
  • Muhammad Ali’s Sabil – سبيل محمد علي باشا
  • Mosque of Aslam al-Silahdar – مسجد أسلم السلحدار
  • Bayt Al-Razzaz Palace – قصر الرزاز
  • Aqsunqur Mosque (Blue Mosque) – المسجد الأزرق
  • Qubba Al-Amir Tarabay – قبة الأمير طربيه
  • Historic Ayyubid Wall – جدار صلاح الدين الأليوبى
  • Amir Taz Palace – قصر الأمير طاز


3- Al Gamaleya (Islamic Cairo) منطقة الجّمالية

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Al-Gamaleya Area contains many attractions:

  • Al-Hakim Mosque – مسجد الحكيم
  • Bab al-Futuh – باب الفتوح
  • Bab al-Nasr – باب النصر
  • Aqmar Mosque (Gray Mosque) – الجامع الرمادي
  • Al-Sultan Barquq Mosque – مسجد السلطان برقوق
  • El-Selehdar Mosque – مسجد السلحدار
  • Al-Gawhara Palace – قصر الجوهرة
  • Beshtak Palace – قصر بشتاك
  • Qalawun Complex – مجمع قلاوون


4- Al Moez Street (شارع المُعز)

* Click here to find out all details including prices, address, working days/hours, main amenities, place rules, photos gallery and more.

Al-Moez Street contains many attractions, like:

  • Ghuriya complex – مجمع الغورية
  • Wikala of Qaytbay – وكالة قايتباى
  • Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex – مجمع السلطان الغورى
  • Sabil of Ismail Pasha – سبيل إسماعيل باشا
  • Sabil-Kuttab of Ahmad Pasha – سبيل وكٌتاب أحمد باشا


5- Al Hussain (الحُسين)

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Al-El-Hussein Area contains many attractions:

  • El-Hussein Mosque – مسجد الحسين
  • Al-Fishawy Cafe – قهوة الفيشاوي
  • Large numbers of eastern foods’ restaurants – مطاعم الأكل المصرى
  • Khan Al Khalili Street Entrance – مدخل شارع خان الخليلى


6- Khan El Khalili (خان الخليلى)

Click here to find out all details including prices, address, working days/hours, main amenities, place rules, photos gallery and more.

Khan El Khalili is a 600 years old market, which sells souvenirs, antiques, and jewelry. Khan el-Khalili was originally the burial site of the Fatimid caliphs.

If you live outside Cairo and still want to visit these places, click here to find the best hotels prices in the city.


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Godayuse.com, Break Your Routine!

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